What is Read Write Inc?
RWI is our very successful Reading programme that enables every child to become a confident and fluent reader. It aims to teach all children to read fluently and confidently.
The children:
- learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups
- using simple picture prompts
- learn to read words using sound blending (Fred talk)
- read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out
How does it work?
In EYFS and KS1 children will follow a daily phonic programme to create fluent, enthusiastic readers, confident speakers and willing writers. Children from KS2 who have not yet finshed RWI will also join these lessons.
The children are assessed and grouped according to their ability. They will work with a teacher or teaching assistant on the Read Write Inc programme. At the end of each term the children will be assessed again and put into new groups. In addition to the Read Write Inc programme the children will also be working on writing skills in their classes with their own class teacher.
Speed Sounds
The sounds are split into 3 sets and learnt in a particular order.
Green and red words
Green words are words that can be segmented (broken down or sounded out) and blended to make a word, e.g. c-a-t = cat. The children will bring home a spelling list each week which contain some green words. You can help them by asking them to Fred talk their words. Once they are confident of the sounds they can hear the children can practice writing their spellings. They should look, say, cover, write, check each of the words. At the end of each week children have a spelling test.
Red words – red words cannot be segmented (broken up or sounded out). These words need to be learnt by sight. Children need to recognise these as quick as a flash. Spellng lists will often contain some red words.