Key Stage Two – years 5& 6

Year 5 and 6 Curriculum

Click on a link below to view our Year 5&6 curriculum maths and English curricula.

Y5 I Can Maths
Y5 I Can Reading
Y5 I Can Writing
Y6 I Can Maths
Y6 I Can Reading
Y6 I Can Writing



We use the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to structure learning in maths over the year. For each topic, pupils are first taught to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. They then practice reasoning mathematically, so that by the end of a unit they are able to solve a wide range of problems by applying their skills. Follow the link below to find out more about the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning.



We love reading at Pentland, so we start our day with time to read our independent reading books, which might be scheme readers or freely chosen reading books, depending on the pupil’s ability.

Our English lessons start with a ‘Teaching of Reading’ lesson. During this session we focus closely on vocabulary, fluency, reading skills including comprehension. We use selected texts and books which are appropriate to the pupil’s stage.

The second part of the lesson focuses on Writing. The children cover a wide range of genres as well as practicing grammar, punctuation, handwriting and spelling.

During the afternoon, we make sure we have time to read for pleasure – this might be sharing an exciting whole class novel or reading non-fiction to help us in a fact-finding mission.