Click on the link below to see our Geography curriculum.
At Pentland, we strive for every child to have good geographical knowledge and understanding and be competent in a variety of geographical skills. We aim to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, through quality first teaching, fieldwork and experiences/activities in and out of school.
Children planting trees in our school grounds to help us work towards our Eco School Award.
As a school, we follow Oddizzi to support our delivery of the Geography curriculum. You can find more about Oddizzi by following this link:
Early Years
Our aim is that, by the end of Early Years, all children will be able to talk about their own environment and then how environments might vary from one another. Some children may be able to talk about the actions people in their own community do to help maintain it.
Key Stage 1
Our aim is that, by the end of Key Stage 1, children will further develop their knowledge of the area of their local environment and be able to name and locate key landmarks. They will begin to understand the physical and human features of their local environment and demonstrate this by using subject specific vocabulary. They will also begin to use geographical skills.
Key Stage 2
Our aim is that, by the end of Key Stage 2, children will extend their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills beyond the local area. They can now locate and describe several physical environments in the UK. They will be able to locate cities, countries and regions of Europe and America.