
Why do we teach maths?

We encounter different aspects of maths everyday in our lives. For example, setting the alarm clock so that we get up on time; salaries and wages – spending, saving and using a bank account; the football scores etc. Without maths skills and knowledge, we wouldn’t be able to function in modern society.

Our Maths Intent

At Pentland, our aim is for all pupils to develop a love and enjoyment of mathematics. We strive for every child to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; to be able to reason mathematically as well as being able to solve problems by applying their mathematical knowledge and skills. Our aspiration is that by the time they are ready to move on to the next stage of their academic careers, every child will know and be able to successfully apply a range of strategies and will have a bank of mathematical knowledge. This means that they will be confident in attempting to solve mathematical problems and that they will be resilient – they will continue to try different strategies and approaches as necessary.

By the end of EY, our intent is that pupils will be able to count, sequence and manipulate through simple calculation the numbers from 1 to 20. They will be starting to use mathematical language and to solve number problems which are appropriate to their context.

By the end of KS1, our intent is that pupils are mentally fluent with whole numbers, number bonds to 20, counting and place value. They will be confident in working with numerals, words and the four operations as well as a range of practical resources in order to support their mathematical thought processes. They will know and be able to apply their knowledge of different shapes and a range of measures, accurately using the related mathematical vocabulary.

By the end of KS2, our intent is that pupils will have become more fluent in using whole numbers, place value and the four operations, such that they are able to confidently use efficient written and mental methods of calculation. They will have developed their ability to solve a wider range of more complex problems including fractions, decimal place value, percentages and ratio; geometry and measures plus algebra. Their mathematical language will have developed to include properties of shape.


Mathematics Implementation

In all key stages we use a Mastery Approach. A mathematical concept or skill is said to have been mastered when a pupil can represent it in multiple ways, has the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Mastery is an inclusive approach which enables pupils to build on their previous learning and demonstrate a deeper, conceptual understanding of a topic. We use the NCETM’s five big ideas in teaching for mastery:

Coherence – Our lessons are broken down into small connected steps that gradually unfold the concept, providing access for all children and leading to a generalisation of the concept and the ability to apply the concept to a range of contexts.

Representation and Structure – We use of a wide range of different models and representations (concrete, pictorial and abstract in addition to numbers and symbols) which help pupils to visualise and make connections in their learning.

Mathematical Thinking – We give pupils many opportunities to think, problem solve and reason with others about all concepts, so that taught ideas are understood deeply.

Fluency – Pupils regularly practice so that they have quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures and the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.

Variation – In order to help pupils develop a deeper and more coherent understanding, concepts are represented in more than one way and thought is also given to the development of activities – what is kept the same and what changes.


We follow the White Rose annual teaching sequence and use many other resources to support our teaching and learning in maths including Power Maths.

Maths Long Term Overview


Online resources – Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars

We use 2 websites in maths which are favourites with the pupils. Every child in KS2 has a login to both sites, so that they can access them from home.

As well as being used at school for maths teaching, Mathletics allows pupils to complete – in a totally safe environment – against other pupils right around the World in arithmetic. Plus there are lots of fun activities, in all covering all the topics of the maths curriculum, to help pupils to learn. Every pupil in school has a login to Mathletics – use the link below to log in.

Times Table Rockstars is for practicing the multiplication tables. Pupils love it, especially when they were competing against other classes in the Battle of the Bands. Last year all the classes in KS2 competed against each other and the winning class went on a fantastic trip to Lightwater Valley.



Foundation Stage

Maths in Nursery is cross-curricular everyday within the setting. It is very practical based and children are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge in all areas of play. Staff work alongside the children to develop their mathematical skills. Nursery have a daily Maths focus session which is teacher led in small groups.

In Reception, children have a daily Maths session delivered in their maths groups. There are opportunities in all areas for children to apply their maths and secure their learning. Teachers continue to work alongside children in all areas of the setting to extend and develop their numeracy skills. During the early stages of Reception, Maths is very practical based, moving on to more formal Maths sessions to prepare the children for Year 1.